Showing posts with label Combing technique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Combing technique. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2016

Ganesha in leaf

I am always fascinated by Maavilai Thoranam. So I wanted to try one. And after making the leaf I felt it to be very plain. So I made a Ganesha to fit the leaf and I pasted on the leaf. Though ofcourse i plan to make a dozen such leaves and convert it to thoranam, currently I have not made more than one. But this Ganesha can also be used as single hangling too. 

Total number of green strips used are around 15. The leaf is made using combing technique.

Used 5 mm green strips to make the leaf and a contrast combination for the leaf. And when I shared the image to a customer, she too ordered one. So here are both the images of Ganesha on leaf. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

A flowery magnet

You cannot stop trying out the different techniques of combing once you start learning it and here is a flower that I made using the same combing technique (Tutorial soon). The centre is made of tight brown coil of 5 mm strip and the petals of yellow 5 mm strips. It took almost 30 mins to complete all the petals. But making this was definitely fun. Converted this a fridge magnet.