Showing posts with label Fridge magnets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fridge magnets. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

Ganesha fridge magenet for an order.

When one of my quilling friends asked me whether I could take up the order which she have got for Ganesha Quilling magnets, as she is having other orders to be completed, I agreed to do it and the client ordered 60 Ganeshas and as they had a forest theme she wanted the Ganeshas to be in Green. And thanks to my kids who helped me in completing them and packing them in green gift wrapper too.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

After seeing my fridge magnet collections and my Ganesha collections one of our relative asked me to make two Ganesha fridge magnets. And the colour specification was red and gold and it definitely turned out amazing.

Monday, March 28, 2016

One inch Ganesha

Ganesha is one of my favourite and making Ganesha image in any size comes quite easily for me. When I got an order to make 50 Ganeshas in green colour, I just made one small Ganesha in 1 inch which I named Bal Ganesha.

I made it using 3mm green colour strips.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Quilled flowery magnet

#Project366, Day11

A small flowery magnet to stick the essentials to the fridge. The 10 mm woody colour strips which were just a few left came in handy to make this flower. Simple but useful.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A simple quilled fridge magnet

#Project366, Day6

With a few lot of work around, I was able to do something for today's project only by the end of the day. Was planning to make a few fridge magnets to hold up the things that I normally stick to in my fridge. Fridge magnets are the one that I often miss. So started making one such fridge magnet.

Shall I call it a plate of roses yes that will be the apt word.

Made a small plate using 5 mm white strips. Added 3 roses. Two in baby pink and one bright pink to enhance the other two. All these was ready in just 15 mins. Thanks to the rose making bug in me.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Small sized fridge magnets

For a birthday party return gift of my son's class mate, I was asked to make small fridge magnets in different shapes. And here is the outcome of the same. Though a few are not so clear, the kids loved it as usual.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Designs for Christmas

One of Facebook aquaintance asked me to show her a few designs for Christmas. Though I was not one of the lucky ones to bag the bulk order which she had promised, still I am happy to make these designs. These were then converted as book marks. Struck to ice cream sticks and messages written on them. These can also be converted into mobile charms or fridge magnets too. 

A flowery magnet

You cannot stop trying out the different techniques of combing once you start learning it and here is a flower that I made using the same combing technique (Tutorial soon). The centre is made of tight brown coil of 5 mm strip and the petals of yellow 5 mm strips. It took almost 30 mins to complete all the petals. But making this was definitely fun. Converted this a fridge magnet.