Showing posts with label Rangolis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rangolis. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tea light Candle decoration in Quilling

One of the loveliest gifting or return gift option for festivals like Navarathri or Deepavali is quilled Tea light candle decoration. I just tried a simple design initially and was so happy with the outcome. The beauty part of these tea light candle decorations are they can be made either stand alone or can be placed on a waste or unused CD or on a square surface.

The stand alone pieces can also be used as a simple hanging or table decors. These can also be used to decorate Aarathi plates.

Both the designs shown below are made using 7 mm strips. And a loose teardrop shaped design was made. The centre portion is a thick circle made with the same 7 mm strip which was circled around a tealight candle so that it could fit in exactly.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Acrylic Rangoli

During my last visit to Pune, got a few plain Acrylic Rangoli sheets and then we, yes we me and kids started decorating one of them. After decorating them, we were so amazed and amused by the different kinds of arrangements we could make with those sheets.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Navarathri gifts made in the year 2013

We keep Golu during Navarathri every year. Ours is not a big thematic one but we ensure that we arrange our dolls well. All along I have been buying small useful items from outside and gifted the Sumangalis along with Vethalai Pakku, manjal and Kumkumam.  When I saw many people gifting Kundan Rangolis, a sudden thought struck me why not draw Aishwarya Kolam and gift it to all the people. So drew it on a paper (ofcourse my dad did it as I am not too good at Aishwarya Kolam), and I copied it on OHP sheets. Then jumped in my kids, they wanted to try out glitter glue on it and wow it turned out too good. I was a proud mom to gift those to all those who visited us.